Human Trafficking Definition and Goal
Girls who have been victimized by Human Trafficking are psychologically depressed, have experienced physical torture and abuse that is unimaginable. They are no longer able to lead a normal life and are unable to adjust to life in their communities. They need a safe, caring environment for an extended period of time to overcome the trauma they have experienced. They also need protection from the trafficker who will return.
A society free from human trafficking and gender based violence by
- rescuing girls/ladies who are being trafficked and bringing about positive changes in their lives
- educating those at risk of being trafficked because of poor econoic, social, and educational status in society
- educating those who frequent known human trafficking locations about the health dangers they are facing and the legal restrictions they are breaking
- working with local authorities to stem the flow of traffickers into Nepal
The Nawalparasi and Rupandehi districts of Nepal are the main trafficking areas of western Nepal. The city of Butwal, Nepal which is located in a lawland area called Terai has become the transit point. Traffickers/brokers transfer those captured to the borderline cities of Sonauli and Krishnanagar. It is estimated that 54 young girls are trafficked every day from Nepal into India and then to the world.

“My name is ______________. I live in Somaliland. My children are living on streets. I am homeless. I seek money from begging. My children are fatherless. I seek the money for many different ways including sex work. When a man gives a money he needs you something to change and it is sex. Sometimes I am forced to make sex, a man rapped me a night and give a money as to be silent. I don’t like to tell some matters but the hard circumstances compelled me to do so.”
We will teach our friend a skill so she will no longer live on the streets and her children will live with her. And, she will hear Truth and learn about the Way, the Truth, and the Life…along with her children. She will be one of many from various age groups, with various backgrounds, and who need various types of skill training…so one day they will escape the cycle of poverty into which they were born.

Teams will visit assigned locations to let those who are held captive know there are people on the outside who know their captive condition and who really care about them. The teams will be two to three ladies with a male driver who waits in the car for possible emergencies. An open telephone/text line will be maintained between a team member and the driver. If allowed to enter, the visit will be as caring as possible so we do not create additional problems for those being visited.
Innovative Humanitarian Solutions partners with Safe Haven Refuge.